Friday, 2 March 2012

pinterest pick of the week

Friday is here! And although today's pinterest picks are all about clouds hopefully it won't rain on your weekend! Have you noticed how these fluffy little fellows are everywhere at the moment? (And no I don't just mean in the sky!) They are on prints, turned into cushions, stamps, mobiles, jewellery...the list goes today I have chosen my faves from the board Clouds by Sarah Lim. Hope you enjoy and fingers crossed for a sunny weekend! Have a good one x

I had to include this little cloud cartoon about the cloud needing to release a little thunder clap...
made me giggle anyway! As usual click on the links above for sources. x



  1. Lovely selection of clouds! I really like the two black and white ones (2nd row). Have a great weekend! x

  2. I too have a little cloud obsession... in fact my blog is called "Head in the Clouds". Not meaning to self-promote, but I've made these little cloud brooches.. here's the link on my Pinterest if you're interested:

    I hope you like :)


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