Tuesday, 13 March 2012

littletree bakes...lemon drizzle cake

Hi everyone, a little cake-y goodness for you today...lemon drizzle cake, one of my absolute faves! This recipe is super simple and always comes out zingy and moist with lemon juice...it came from a supermarket magazine sent in by a reader, I don't have the original anymore so thanks to whoever this recipe came from and I hope you don't mind me sharing it!? Here's the how to...x

  • 4oz Butter, softened
  • 6oz Caster Sugar
  • 6oz Self Raising Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • Zest of 2 Unwaxed Lemons
  • 4 tbsp Milk

Let's get baking!
  • Preheat oven 180/200c. Grease and line a 450g/1lb loaf tin.
  • Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
  • Add in your Flour, Egg and Lemon Zest, beat until well combined.
  • If you want to you can add an optional squeeze of extra lemon juice, it shouldn't curdle the eggs as you have added the flour, stir through.
  • Spoon into tin and make a well in the centre, bake for one hour or until golden.
  • Whilst cake is baking mix the juice of 1 lemon with 3tsp of icing sugar to make a runny syrup.
  • When cake is ready remove from oven and leave to cool for 5 minutes in the tin.
  • When cooled slightly prick holes all over the warm cake with a cocktail stick and loosen the edges of the cake from the tin/greaseproof paper.
  • Carefully spoon over the lemon syrup making sure you get down the sides of the cake. Use all of the juice.
  • Leave the cake in the tin to absorb all the liquid and cool completley.
  • Remove and dust with icing sugar.

And that's it! This would make the perfect cake for Mother's Day this Sunday or just for afternoon tea. You could decorate the cake further with a simple runny white icing and curls of lemon zest or if you're feeling crafty some mini bunting toppers! I even found a DIY for bunting below and it comes with free printables too! Happy baking! x

Image and DIY from A Pair of Pears


  1. ooh lemon drizzle....one of my favourites! mmmmmm....

  2. Oh my gosh, what I would give to have a slice of that cake right now! x

  3. I love the decorated cake!!
    And your lemon cake... yummy!!!

  4. My mum LOVES this cake so thanks for reminding me to make it for her sometime! :)

  5. Yum! And thanks for posting that DIY...I was planning on making cake bunting for an upcoming birthday so that's perfect timing. :)


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