Monday, 5 March 2012

And The Leibster goes to...

Hello blog friends! To start the week I have a few awards to hand out...You may remember the other week I received a second Leibster award from The lovely ladies at the Polkadot Lighthouse (thank you!) and so today I am posting up my 5...well 6...chosen winners! As before it was a very hard decision as I follow so many amazing award worthy blogs! I had about 12 tabs of possible winners up on my screen but managed to whittle them down as some had more than 200 followers or Leibsters here they are in no particular order...drumroll please!

1/ hello olive - the lovely Col has the best finds and inspirational posts, plus she always takes the time to comment on my blog which is so sweet!
2/ loveprintstudio - Louise is a great designer and her blog is packed with lot's of links to designers and lovely picture stuff too!
3/ Origami Chicken - Joanne's blog always has fun posts and is herself another great illustrator.
4/ Rhi-Creations - Rhianna is another designer who has wonderful inspiring posts and work, plus she kindly included my Valentines cards in a post back in Feb!
5/Victor Fox - Clare has just finished her February challenge of illustrating her way through 29 days and I think that alone deserves an award! Although her blog is always pretty fab!
6/ one little bird - Only discovered just yesterday but I had such a fab half an hour scrolling through some amazing old posts I had to include it!

So congrats guys! Post the pic above proudly on your blogs, write a post thanking your award giver and link back to here. Then all you have to do is find 5 (or more) fabulous blogs with less than 200 followers to pass the award on to!

Please pop along and visit these lovely blogs you may find your new favourite too! Hope you all have good weeks!x


  1. ooh thank you Rebecca! What a lovely start to the week :-) x

  2. Wow this just made my day even better!! Thank you so much for this award! Means a lot. I could go on and on, but the music will start ;)

  3. Ooh, how exciting, going to check these blogs out now. I always like to find new ones to read!

  4. Ooh thanks very much Rebecca! I've been on holiday this week so this has just finished the week off nicely! I'll be sure to check out the other lovely blogs too. :-)

  5. Sorry for the delayed response! I couldn't remember if I had replied or not! Thanks though! Its so very kind of you and means a lot :) x


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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