Tuesday, 7 February 2012

snow day!

Hello again, how are you today? If you stopped by yesterday I did mention I was off out for a snowy walk with my dog and I did also mention I might take some pics...so as promise here is a little snowy walk picture montage! Can you spot a cheeky little dog? It was so misty yesterday it was hard to tell where the snow ended and the sky began! I love this last pic of the old lamp against the snowy trees, almost like being in Narnia...

After getting home we whipped up some hot chocolate and had a hot piece of flapjack (recipe here) which in my opinion makes a cold walk even better! And this last pic above is what awaited me in my bedroom, a very lazy cat all snuggled up in her favourite old sleeping bag at the foot of my bed...apologies for the lurid green colour...but she does look very cute! I hope wherever you are that it is nice and warm!x


  1. Oh those are lovely pictures! I like the fact the dog is out braving the elements, yet the cat sleeps in the warm. Typical cat behaviour!

  2. Thats one happy cat, love the photo with the trees and fog!


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