Friday, 24 February 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

If you can't already tell what this weeks pinterest picks are about it's Crochet! After the Quilling bonanza the other week I thought I would highlight another old craft that has well and truly become a modern crafting phenomena! So curl up in your crochet blanket and enjoy this weeks board Crochet by Clare Donovan...have lovely weekends and I will see you next week!x

Now I like crochet as much as the next person but I think this room would give me a headache after a while!
Would love a crochet rug though...sigh...if only I could crochet! As usual click on the links above for sources.


  1. I love the bunting! I used to be able to crochet but all I remember now is how to do a chain stitch... x

  2. fab love all the colours....


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