Friday, 17 February 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Another week has's all going to quick for me! Now I know Valentines Day was Tuesday but there were so many lovely boards out in Pinterest land I couldn't resist sharing spring is coming (it is...I hope) which is the wedding season so I thought I would find a board that had some lovely ideas for engagement pics, cute bachelorette party ideas and wedding decoration/food/pictures...Here are my picks from the board Heart-shaped by Inari...enjoy x

I love this easy peasy heart cute and simple to do yourself! A I hope you're not all loved out too much after this...for sources clink on the links above and I hope you all have a fab weekend!x


  1. The 2nd pic is vey cute! It could even be done as a little family portrait too :-)

  2. adorable images! Happy weekend!


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