Friday, 10 February 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Hellooooo Friday! Have you all had good weeks? Mine has been pretty good, the snow has kind of forced me to stay in and work but also get a little crafty so there are a few 'makes' headed your way next week...back to this week and our Pinterest pick of the week...Quilling! Now I always thought that quilling was a bit twee, but after seeing this pic above (by Lisa Nilsson) which is amazing, I was determined to see what else was new in the world of quilling...and I was pleasantly surprised! I am loving the quilled inspirational sayings below...they are just stunning! So enjoy re-discovering this craft with my fave picks from the board Quilling Inspiration by Valerie Tate Williams, click on the links for sources...

And one last little one that is also a super simple quilling diy found HERE, so if you fancy giving it a try let me know! 
I thought it might come in handy for some weekend Valentines craftiness! See you next week x

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