Friday, 3 February 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Happy Friday! This trio of lovely neon heels should give you an idea of the bright beauties coming your way for this weeks pinterest picks! We have had a rather colourful week here on the blog haven't we? From brightly coloured carrots to candy coloured homewares at John Lewis...So I though why not keep it going! Neon by Erin McLeod is this weeks board of choice with some super neon lovelies so I warn you now that you may need to reach for those sunglasses!

I need these neon pencils and that Lisa Stckley notepad to write in with them! As usual click on the links above for sources...have a bright and colourful weekend my friends! x

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh Rebecca... I've spent some time this morning having a good look through your lovely blog after you contacted me.
    What a wonderfult way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday morning!
    So many gorgeous things!
    I've been pinning away and discovering some new yumminess... I shall certainly be trying your mini Victoria sponge muffins for sure x
    Happy weekend x


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