Thursday, 2 February 2012

littletree loves...zoe murphy

image HERE

This post had been a long time coming and I do apologise for not getting to it earlier! I have been meaning to share the work of Zoe Murphy with you for aaaaages! I saw a little interview with Zoe in an old Living Etc mag way back in about '09-10? And then when I went to Tent London in Sept 2010 (below) she had a stand there too! So today I am finally getting around to sharing all the lovely, colourful, retro gorgeousness... Zoe uses her love of her seaside home town Margate to inspire fun and funky designs that she then prints on to upcycled mid-century furniture, fabric, cushions and recycled sections of formica. I love the furniture but don't think my budget would stretch that far...but any of the formica artwork would find a happy home in my kitchen! Here are a few pics of some work but do stop by her website, blog or flikr pages for more.x

image HERE

All images above from various posts over at  Zoe's Blog


  1. I think I love her too! I've been blog browsing today, and yours is really really lovely! Glad I stumbled across it! x

  2. i am in love with zoe murphy!! that love what belongs to you print is fantastic!


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