Wednesday, 8 February 2012

littletree discovers...Yoke

How is it Wednesday already?! Where is the week going...anyhoo, today I am sharing a relatively new find with you...I discovered the work of Yoke a little while back (not sure where now!) and added their shop to my favourites list immediately, but then I am always doing that and forgetting, so every now and then I like to go back through my (long) list and refresh my memory of all the lovely shops I've added! So I am sharing the loveliness of Yoke with you today...

Run by Mark and Zoe, or Mr and Mrs Yoke as they have become known, they produce a range of bright and beautiful prints, cards, tea towels and bags which they sell online here. All of the designs start life as cut paper and then turned into a screen print to be transferred onto all of the products above! My favourites are definitely the 'Bish Bash Bosh' tea towels and the 'Oddball' print (below) although I would love any of their prints, I'm not fussy! Do you like? If so pop by their website or shop to see even more...x

All Pictures/Designs/Images owed by Yoke from their website and shop.


  1. cool - love the colours n simple graphics - will defo check them out!

  2. I love their stuff too! BTW is having a giveaway on Yoke - a print of your choice - you might want to get in quick!

  3. Off to have a look, lovely stuff!

  4. Hey rebecca,
    thanks so much for posting this awesome company! OH MY!!! i just love the colours and i think iv found a new love all together. i headed over to their website. thanks so much for sharing!
    Clare xx


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