Tuesday, 14 February 2012

littletree discovers...ashley ann photography

Image HERE, designed by Katie Daisy

Hello again...Happy V-Day to everyone celebrating! Did you all enjoy the craftiness yesterday? Well I have even more today...Ashley Ann (photographer/regular Design*Sponge contributor) and her blog Under the Sycamore. Ashley was the lady responsible for the great DIY from yesterday and her blog is JAM PACKED with even more!!! She has a great blog, is a DIY genius and great photographer (busy lady!) plus a super pretty banner designed by the talented Katie Daisy...so I thought I would pick a few DIY faves from her archives to share today, but do pop by as there are so many more to discover, just click on the links above. x

clothes pin magnets HERE
quilt piece bunting HERE
decoupage bowl HERE

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have a whole heap of wooden pegs so will definitely have to give the magnets a go. And I absolutely love Katie Daisy - that banner looks amazing! x


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