Thursday, 23 February 2012

beautiful books...Homemade Gifts Vintage Style

Hello again, today I am sharing two of my recent bargains and new favourite books, first is Homemade Gifts Vintage Style (HGVS) by Sarah Moore and the second I'm sure you will recognise as The Liberty Book of Home for the bargain part, I got both of these books for £12! Yup £12...from The Works of all places! The Works is a discount bookstore here in the UK which has all sorts of home/craft/cookery books as well as fiction and even craft/art supplies. I have bought a few cookery books before but finding these two was like finding the holy grail! The Liberty's book is £20 retail price but I got it for £6.99! So to spread out the book love I am going to show you a few sneak peeks from HGVS today and save the Liberty book for another sneak peek next week...I'm mean, I enjoy a mini browse today and click on the links above to take you to shop the books at The Works or pop by Amazon here and here. See you tomorrow! x

 All photos taken by littletree from Homemade Gifts Vintage Style


  1. ooh thanks for sharing, I shall be adding them to my wish list! :-)

  2. oooh well done you! i love a bargain! may have to take a trip to the works myself ...

  3. Great finds! I love a bargain :-) x


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