Friday, 27 January 2012

pinterest pick of the week...

Happy Friday everyone!! In case you can't tell, this weeks pinterest picks are all about the ampersand love! In my humble opinion I think the ampersand is the most beautiful shape used in type and look how many lovely designs there are! So if your a typography nerd, like myself, then you are in for a treat...this weeks board is of course called typography:ampersand by Chris Sims...enjoy!x

I think this last one is my favourite, simple, clean, elegant and I love the teardrop shapes...beautiful...ok ampersand geek out is over now! Normal service will resume next week I promise, as usual click on the links above for sources...hope you all have lovely weekends and that the sun shines!x


  1. The last one is definitely my favourite! Hope you have a good weekend too. x

  2. What a fab board. I'm dreaming about where they would hang if they were mine. So many pretties!

  3. love all of these designs! hope you're having a great weekend!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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