Tuesday, 24 January 2012

a mystery package arrives...

I love getting things through in the post like most people, but when it is a complete surprise its even better! Better than that is when the package is full of treasure! Well it's treasure to me...buttons and beads galore and in such pretty colours! Back at Christmas I was given a load of buttons to start my very own button collection (I'm always raiding my mums tin at the moment!) which I had started to pop in this lovely jar below. Now another member of my family had heard about this and sent me some of her spare bits and bobs from when she was spring cleaning, it was a total surprise! These red and aqua beads are so gorgeous I am definitely going to make some jewellery from them, and I know someone who would love those black buttons with the horses on them! Ooh the endless possibilities!x

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend with a big bowl full of buttons. She doesn't craft with them. She just sits and plays with them when she is feeling stressed. Cool huh!


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