Tuesday, 17 January 2012

littletree discovers...ghost signs

Image from JanesLondon

Whilst perusing my latest issue of Living Etc magazine I came across this teeny tiny article in the back all about 'Ghost Signs' which is apparently a big subject of many a blog. The main one highlighted in the article was janes london and she does indeed have some fab pictures on her blog and flikr stream. Now you may know I love old metal signs, well any kind of retro signage, so this is pure heaven! Although if I was Jane I would have been very tempted to sneak that lovely old Martini sign home! Have a little look around her sites, there are some great pics and not just of signs but architectural details, pretty tiling, typography, metalwork etc and the next time your in a big old city...look up! You never know what you might see...x


  1. You might also like the Ghostsigns blog, once you start spotting them it is difficult to stop...www.ghostsigns.co.uk

    PS. I like your blog template, how did you make it?

  2. Blimey... praise indeed... luckily Sam from www.ghostsigns.com sent me a link to this or else I wouldn't have known about it.
    It's great, but I am not really happy about you using my images so large and them not linking back to me. I need the feedback!!!!
    So could you please use just one and remove the last 3 and use links instead.
    Many thanks.
    And Sam, I may be wrong, but I am sure this is a basic blogger template... a lot has changed re templates on offer in the past year.... go play!

  3. P.S. your site is very inspirational... I have just spent the past half hour getting distracted and I am supposed to be working!!! ;-)

  4. Thanks... much appreciated, and that was really quick!!!


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