Tuesday, 3 January 2012

a happy new year and christmas loot!

Welcome 2012! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year, received (and gave) lot's of lovely things and spent time with friends and family hopefully without too many arguments! As usual we had Christmas Day just immediate family, which is nice as it's a lot less stressful, but then that means a lot of family visiting over the week between Xmas and New Year! Of course too much food was eaten and there was plenty of lounging in front of the fire, neither the cat or dog could figure out what the heck was going on and spent most of the week just looking at us with confused little faces...I am quite looking forward to getting back to my normal daily routine and so today I'm easing back into work mode with a round up of a few of my favourite Christmas gifts...enjoy...x

1/ Modern Vintage Style by Emily Chalmers, 2/ Print & Pattern 2 by Bowie Style, I have wanted both of these books for ages so it's lovely to finally be able to flick through them in real life...much better then Amazons 'look inside' function!
3/ Rob Ryan Tile from the exhibition I visited in Cambridge, I had completely forgotten about it so it was a double surprise!  
4/ Patchwork Washi Tape! Who knew such a thing existed? Each little strip is different! This one I ordered myself from a fab Etsy shop but I'm saving that share for another day...  
5/ This beautiful 2-tier cake stand is from my Mum, it came in that lovely box and the pattern around the edge of the plate is the same. I love it's cute scandi-ish style and muted colour palette, completely different from anything else I have seen! She told me she had got it in Wilkinson of all places so I'm going to make a point of stopping by there a little more often in the future!  
6/ This fun and funky Joseph Joseph chopping board was a present from my sister and her boyfriend, it's the perfect size for cutting all those lemon wedges for the many cocktail parties I'm going to throw!  
7/ 8/ & 9/ All presents from my two very best friends! The owl has an inner cushion which you heat in the microwave to keep cosy, it looks a little like Donna Wilson's designs don't you think? And last but not least baking goodies! A giant cupcake mould and super colourful square cookie cutters...should keep me busy in the long winter months!

Normal posting will resume now that the madness of the holidays has passed so I will see you again soon!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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