Friday, 9 December 2011

pinterest pick of the week...

this is such a cute idea!
Can you believe it's Friday again already? I know I keep saying this but where does it go? 2 weeks and it will be Christmas Eve Eve! Anyhoo...mild panic subsiding...this weeks pinterest picks are close to my heart as I myself am addicted to the wonderous cosy world of cushions! I do have just a few (hundred) and yet always see more that I simply must give a home to, but seeing as Christmas is coming I've spent all my cushion fund on presents! So to curb the addiction I found this lovely board from Cheryl H called Cute & Comfy Cushions, which is truly packed with endless pins of beautiful cushions, so another difficult choice to pick my favourites this week! Anyone else a secret cushion hoarder out there?x

How cute are these fox cushions?! And they look like I could possibly have a go at making one myself ...maybe...I think foxes are definitely the new owls in town, they seem to be everywhere at the moment! 
As usual click on the links at the top for sources and have a fab weekend!x


  1. Ha ha, that is true, I have found myself being drawn to fox related things...!

    I also LOVE the Scrabble cushions!


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