Tuesday, 13 December 2011

littletree makes...a wool wreath

Hello again folks! Do you see the wreath above? I made that...yep I did! Can you tell I'm super proud of it? It started out as a simple polystyrene ring I got for £1.99 and some wool that my mum had for crochet that was a bit thick and woolly for her small crochet needle so I gave it a new use on my wreath! It took almost the whole ball of wool with some left over for attaching the bits and bobs. I made the flower out of some corrugated card that had been wrapped around a package that I had delivered, I just tore a circle and then cut it into a spiral to wrap into a flower shape with a button in the centre. The other bits were fabric and buttons that I had lying around and just attached them with the wool and thread...what do you think?

Anyway I was having a wander around Pinterest and there are so many other lovely wreaths I thought I would post a few pics to inspire you if you're attempting your own crafty wreath this Christmas, enjoy!x

Wreaths from Meryn Palmer

wreaths, just wreaths from Giada Baicchi

wreaths! from Danielle Gawlik
Wreaths, wreaths everywhere! from Albion Gould
Wreaths from Kimberly Destree


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