Monday, 5 December 2011

littletree throws a party!

Hello Monday and hello everyone! Hope you had good weekends? I held a little party for friends and family Friday night to sell my cards and other goodies so I thought I'd share a few pics with you today! Apart from the cards which you have already seen I had my magnetic advent calendars, bunting small and large plus I made little decorations stamped with buttons and christmassy images all adorned with a little bell! I got a bit carried away with these as I still have loads left over! I also made spiced christmas cookies and a warm spiced apple drink which went down a treat! It was a great evening and a real celebration of how far I have come with everything this year, it really made me feel positive for my designs in the future so who knows what the new year will bring! So a big thank you to all my friends and family plus to all my readers here, I couldn't have done it without all of your kind words and support...Rebecca xxx

All pictures taken by me...badly...oops!


  1. The party sounds great Rebecca - and thanks for the magnetic advent, it's lovely. I will post something once created. Love the little white decs. All the best for now Fiona x

  2. Not badly taken snaps at all. It looks so fun! I love the bunting in little bags - so cute! xx

  3. this is such a cute little part! the pictures look great, so cozy looking! :) cute cute cute!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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