Wednesday, 7 December 2011

And the Leibster Award goes to...

Ok...think I have made my decision on my 5 blogs to give the Leibster Award to, it's been a long process with endless cups of tea to see me here we go...

1/ a little birdie told me... - Jen's blog is packed full of interiors loveliness and general design love!

2/ my deer friend - Illustrator Dawn Coopers blog with lots of pretty doodles and musings.

3/ the homely place - Nat's blog had plenty of inspiration for homes and her own designs.

4/ Mellybee - Melanie Chadwicks blog charting her recent projects and other goodies!

5/ Melanie Wickham Lino Prints - Says it all really! Anyone with the patience to lino print deserves an award in my eyes!

So guys all you need to do to accept the award is copy and paste the logo, thank the person that gave it to you (me!) and then pass it on to 5 other blogs you deem worthy! It has to be a blog that is up and coming with less than 200 members/followers - small blog love!


  1. Thank you very much Rebecca! Had this a while back but would love to accept and share some more blogs I like!

  2. Thanks Rebecca - I have thanked you on my blog and will pass it on to worthy blogs!

  3. Oh what a lovely surprise! Thanks so much. I'll get right on it!

  4. Wow, thanks Rebecca! I am deeply flattered! A lovely start to my Thursday morning. The challenge lies in choosing just five blogs!! x

  5. Have thanked you on my blog and have chosen 5 more :

  6. Wow, I'm a little bit behind with this one!! Thanks so much for the award and I will spend a happy evening passing it on...December was pretty much a non-blog month for me, which is my feeble excuse, but thanks so much - yipee!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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