Friday, 18 November 2011

pinterest pick of the week...

Welcome to another Friday! Today here in the UK it's Children in Need, a yearly charity event that takes over the brains of ordinary normal people and makes them do crazy weird things to raise money for children here in the UK and abroad, (dip in a bath of beans anyone?) Now I suppose your wondering what these totally rad trainers have to do with that...well, my sister is a personal trainer/fitness instructor and is holding a Children in Need Zumba party in the theme of 80's exercise gear at her gym tonight! So in keeping with the general theme of 80's madness I have found an amazing treasure trove of eighties goodness for our pinterest picks today, something a little more fun and out there than usual! This fab board is curated by Nicole Alexandra and is titled Everything Awesome about growing up in the 80's! So dig out the leg warmers (maybe some sunglasses for all the neon!) and get all nostalgic...x


I totally need all of these for tonight! The T-Shirt clips and leg warmers for the look, the flying saucers and Slush puppies for the sugar rush to keep me going! I had a card of stick on earrings exactly like this when I was young, same picture and everything! Hope you all have a fun weekend and as usual click the links above for sources.x

1 comment:

Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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