Monday, 7 November 2011

a mixed bag...

Happy Monday to everyone! Here in the UK Saturday was Bonfire Night and we were so lucky to actually have a completely dry weekend for once, so no standing in the rain under a brolly watching your Dad desperately trying to light fireworks when all you want to do is go inside....ahh happy memories! Anyway, today I have a bit of a mixed bag of pictures to share with you, but I'll explain more as we go along...x

A little while ago we received a bumper bag of sewing bits and pieces from my Nan, including a load of fabric and all of these lovely old sewing box finds! A whole tin of buttons in every colour imaginable, plus these old pinking shears, thread for darning your tights (!), crochet needles, a lovely old glass jar with safety pins (blue lid.) Plus a travel sewing kit, in the picture it is bottom left, blue, the thimble unscrews to reveal the tiny spool of thread and needles! So cute!

Remember I made Chutney a few weeks ago? Well these are the lovely windfall fruits that went into it! I love how all of these pears seem to have their own personality...maybe that's just me?!

I have also been working on a few new print ideas based on inspirational sayings with a little twist! So this is just a little sneak peak of the process of a design freak...

Last but not least...Back in the summer I bought this old birdcage at a carboot sale and have gradually been restoring it and this is where I'm at so far! It's all been painted and I got this lovely wallpaper sample from B&Q, so the next part will be making some little birds to live it in! I may also make some bunting or string up some lights inside...I still haven't decided! Hope you have enjoyed my little round up of random things today! Hope to see you again soon...x

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