Tuesday, 15 November 2011

magnetic advent calendar...

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a good week so far? Today I'm sharing a little project I've been working on for a while, a magnetic advent calendar! I got the idea after I bought a sample pack of magnetic paper to try with another project and thought it would be a more creative alternative to traditional cardboard advent calendars. The design is based around a pile of presents that would grow bigger everyday, adding piece by piece until the 25th. I've gone for a more modern christmas colour palette with a kind of minty green and softer red mixed with peachy pink and a turquoise to perk it all up a bit. This is the arrangement I designed (above) but you could easily play around and make some crazy lopsided piles (below) that look like they might fall any minute! Obviously this would work really well with a white fridge but I still think it looks pretty good...what do you think of my idea? I would love to know! x

 I apologise for the poor quality pics but it was a bit dark in my kitchen yesterday afternoon!


  1. Really nice idea!! :-)

  2. i love it! been wanting to try some magnetic stuff and you've just convinced me. you should sell it! x


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