Sunday, 13 November 2011

littletree's wishlist...lovely books

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Hello again, hope you all had lovely weekends? The sun did peek his head out on Sunday which was lovely as it had been miserable and cold with a bizarre rolling mist for most of the week! To keep myself entertained I started to write my Christmas list (eep!) and as usual I mainly want books! I was going to make it a top 5 but then I just had to add one more, ( I could easily add more but one needed some self restraint!) mind you this is just my list of creative/design related books...there are cookery books too! But I thought I would save that for another time....Print & Pattern 2 by Bowie Style is my number one, must have choice but I'm pretty sure that someone has got me that already so just patience is required, in the mean time the blog of the same name will keep me going! I recently found a shop that actually stocked Decorate by the lovely Holly Becker (of the blog decor8) and Joanna Copestick and spent a merry 15 minutes browsing the beautiful pages, I had to put it down before I read it all! I wanted the book already but now I want it even more! How many lovely books are on your wishlist for this Christmas? x

1 comment:

  1. Print & Pattern 2 is on my list too! I've found it a real struggle to track down a good illustration book this year, so if you've got any more books in your sights, I'd be grateful if you could point me in the right direction! x


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