Tuesday, 29 November 2011

littletree's wishlist...cookery books

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Hello again...now you may remember a few weeks ago I started a wishlist of lovely books that I have been hoping to get for Christmas (well not all, maybe a few!) and I also mentioned I had a list of cookery books too...so here they are! The Flavour Thesaurus is a really intriguing book, the idea is that you look up an ingredient and it will give you the best flavour and ingredient combinations to compliment the original. Great idea for when your bored with your old stand by recipes! 

I am an avid viewer of all things cookery on tv so there are plenty of tv cookbooks, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Veg everyday series has been amazing to watch. I used to be vegetarian and still only eat a limited range of meat/fish and more often still eat just veggie, so it's amazing to get some new ideas especially from a chef that's well know for being a bit meat mad!  I've added a few favourite recipes from the series below for a sneaky peek!

Raw Chocolate Ganache Tart

Saffron Speltotto with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
Baby Beetroot Tart Tatin

Yum! Any recipe books on your Christmas list this year?x

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