Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Etsy Christmas...Wrapping

Day three of our Etsy marathon and today is all about the wrapping! Wrapping paper has become a huge extra creative output for us crafty people the last few years, it's practically become a craft in it's own right! Ribbons, printed tapes, bells and corsages anything goes in creating the perfect present. So today I have a selection of beautiful homemade papers and gift tags to make your wrapping this year even more special! I am a little in love with Crafty Pagan's luxury gift tags with their aged vintage look and gorgeous ribbon ties...Hunt Find Keep's wrapping is a real contrast in comparison, with it's modern star shapes and colour palette. Oh and I love Mint Print's christmas tree wrapping on its brown paper background...Can you tell I just love wrapping?!x

Sophie Victoria Joy

Emily Hogarth

Mint Print

Crafty Pagan Designs

Hint Find Keep

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Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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