Wednesday, 30 November 2011

christmas card delivery!

How excited was I when these arrived on my doorstep yesterday?! The answer....Very!!! I ordered these from Moo a little over a week ago after I decided it would be easier and indeed cheaper to have them professionally printed rather than me sitting for hours on end watching my printer print 200 cards! This is why all the designs have white backgrounds, would have been easier on the printer ink! There are only 2 designs I'm not as happy with and that's because they were originally designed to be square so I had to jig the design around a bit to fit the specific size...I'm hoping Moo will offer square cards soon because otherwise I'm really pleased with the overall quality and service! They are designed to be paired together as shown below, apart from one which is completely different! What do you think? Would you be pleased to receive one of these cards? x

1 comment:

  1. They’re fab :)
    I use Moo for my postcards, and get some very hit and miss results, but it looks like you’ve had a very good batch here. Yay! I’d be happy to receive them, that’s fo’ sure.


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