Friday, 7 October 2011

pinterest pick of the week...

 A Happy Friday to everyone! Well normal weather service seems to have resumed here in the uk with Autumn returning like a slap in the face compared to last weeks mini summer! So out come the socks and scarves again and bye bye flip flops...but hello to more excuses to snuggle up with a nice cup of tea on a wet and windy afternoon, so thats where we are off to for todays pinterest picks! This board is just simply named Tea and was curated by Angie Christine Dillon, she has collected some really beautiful and interesting images so I'm going to share some with you today. Please don't forget to pop by my own pinterest page which has grown a little more since last week - no surprises there then! Have a lovely weekend, go out and enjoy the wonders of autumn and then come back in for a nice cuppa...x

I love this saying and is so true for me! Plus how cute is the kooky little critter among the books! 
As usual the click the links at the top for full sources.
Ooh also check out Angies board called Nutella Love if your addicted to the stuff like me!


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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