Monday, 31 October 2011

littletree does Halloween...

A happy Halloween and Monday to everyone, hope you all had lovely weekends, did you get up to any spooky mischief? As you may remember I mentioned I was having a little dinner party/double feature film fest on Saturday evening? Now I did manage to take a few pictures before I got too busy with cooking but I tried a few night shots with everything lit up and although they looked fine on my camera screen they were actually super blurry once I had loaded them onto my computer! So I have a few pics of decorations and some DIY jack-o-lantern jars to share with you but none from the evening :( hope you enjoy!x

The jack-o-lantern was made by my friends boyfriend, think he looks more scared than scary!
For the table decorations I used my DIY jars (below) and a collection of miniature squashes in all different colours dotted in and around the bowls of food, I even managed to print some pumpkin shaped placemats! For the food I made my squash soup, sticky honey and balsamic roast sausages, crispy jacket potatoes with sour cream and cheese, my friend made a fab chili...oh and a bit of salad for a touch of healthy green! I also made some very orange cupcakes with green frosting and a gooey ghost sweet on the top!

Now I don't usually do Halloween as I'm not a fan of dressing up so this was something a little different and it turned out to be an amazing evening! We watched some classic spooky movies, Hocus Pocus and The Craft, really took me back to sleepovers as a teenager! If you doing something tonight or just out trick or treating with the kids have a fab time and watch out for witches! x

This was a really simple little DIY that just popped into my head the other day...they obviously look much better once it gets dark!

1/ Collect empty jars of all shapes and sizes just make sure a tealight will fit though the opening.
2/ Stick a length of masking tape to a cutting mat and with a craft knife cut simple triangle shapes for eyes and toothy mouths. I did two of each design to stick to the front and back of the jar.
3/ Carefully peel off the masking tape and stick to your jar making sure it's stuck down with no loose edges.
4/ Now outside (or a very well ventilated room) use a glass etching/frosting spray to completely cover the jars, I did two thin coats. Take care not to get spray in the jars as it's obviously flammable which won't mix with the candles later!
5/ Once dry remove the masking tape carefully and decorated with ribbons, twine, buttons, whatever you like!
6/ I found that lighting the tealight and carefully dropping it in the jar was the best way to get the candle lit, unless you have super long matches or taper lighter.

Done! Now sit back and enjoy their little spooky faces!x


  1. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but those jars are a great idea and could easily be "translated" for a different season. Really lovely blog :-) xo

  2. The jack 0'lantern pumpkin is so funny: i love the kind of rolling eyes!
    Sara C.


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