Tuesday, 25 October 2011

beautiful books...A Child's Garden of Verses

Hello all! I have another beautiful book to share with you today, A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson is illustrated by Brain Wildsmith (modern version here), this book is my mums and as you can see above she received it for her 8th birthday! It has always been one of my favourites to look through and read as both child and adult, mainly because of the amazing illustrations. The colours and energy just leap off the page and draw you into this magical vibrant world of multicolour madness! I wasn't sure if the illustrator Brian Wildsmith was still around given the age of the book but he has a website here, with more wonderfully illustrated books. Now I apologise in advance for the amount of pictures today but I just couldn't cut out my favourite pics and poems! Hope you enjoy! x

The Cow
The friendly cow all red and white,
I love with all my heart.
She gives me cream with all her might,
To eat with apple-tart.

She wanders lowing here and there,
And yet she cannot stray.
All in the pleasant open air,
The pleasant light of day.

And blown by all the winds that pass,
And wet with all the showers.
She walks among the meadows grass,
And eats the meadow flowers.

Robert Louis Stevenson
(This is one of my favourites! And she looks like such a happy cow in her flowery meadow...x)


  1. what a beautifully illustrated book.

  2. love these drawings, what amazing colours! Had to link to you on FB :)


  3. it's a beautiful book, I have a copy too and his 123 counting book which is really fun and lovely - worth seeking out


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