Thursday, 15 September 2011

last of the carboot sales...

all pics by me!
Hello everyone, hope your week is going well, the weekend is almost here! As you may have figured out I was off carbooting (is that a word?) yesterday morning...This is probably the last of the carboot sales before the weather turns really cold, but as you can see the sun was shining and once the morning chill lifted it was glorious!

This is my favourite local carboot so I thought I would share a few shots of the weird and wonderful things that I often wish I could bring home with me! As you can see from the pictures there is such a selection of not just the usual carboot stalls with books and knick-knacks but plenty of vintage stalls, house clearance and retro delights! I could go every week and easily spend £100! I'm really craving an old metal sign at the moment but it just needs to be the right one (and at the right price...) and I'm in love with vintage sideboards, I have seen two here now that I would have straight away if there was any room for them! And they were only £20! *sigh* Never mind I'm sure there will be more another day!

Now of course I didn't come away empty handed (how could I with such a veritable treasure trove of goodies on display!?) I bought one of the little old bird cages pictured below, it was a bit sad looking and the back section was falling off but generally in good condition! So as you can see I have given the inside a lick of paint as that was very grubby and only paint could cover it, but the outside is nicely worn and I want to keep some of the original feel of the piece. Inside I plan to line it with some pretty paper or fabric and make some little wire birds to home inside, so I will keep you updated with my progress on my little project! Hope you have enjoyed todays carboot-fest...x

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