Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Etsy designs...

I haven't posted any of my own designs in a while so I thought I would share with you some ideas I have been working on which may turn into possible prints to sell on Etsy...I had thought of the tea pouring into two cups ages ago and it has now finally made it out of my sketchpad as a little doodle into a proper design! And with 'tea for two' I had to design something cake related didn't I? So 'cake for one' seemed appropriate, because everyone wants a great big wedge of cake to themselves once in a while! What do you think? x


  1. v sweet. i like the colour combos and tea & cake is a v popular theme at the mo. website looking good too. x

  2. ilove these! they'd make great notelets or postcards for touching base with friends and organising tea parties! excited about being able to buy :) X

  3. I think the blue ones are my fave! They would make cute little greeting cards! You could put together a little pack of five or ten and sell them on etsy! They would sell like hot cakes :) xx

  4. These are so sweet....I love them! Off to look at your Etsy shop. :)


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