Tuesday, 30 August 2011

my first ever and brand new website!

This is a big day for me because I have just launched my WEBSITE!!! This is portfolio of all my recent work and designs so if you have enjoyed my design posts on here please pop over to the website to see more! I have also added a quick link to my website in the sidebar under my e-mail address so please do not hesitate to contact me about any of my work!

I also want to do a BIG thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting this little blog of mine, I still can't believe people out there all over the world are reading it! Every visitor and comment means the world to me so again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Rebecca xox

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30/8/11 22:47

    I love your designs. You are brilliant.


Hello! So nice of you to pop by, please leave a comment if you wish. I love reading them all...Rebecca x

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