Friday, 5 August 2011

littletree discovers...retro tea and coffee set

Happy Friday to all! First I must say a big thank you to all of you that have been visiting my little blog recently, it really has made my week!
Now for the funkiest bargain of the century, this fantastic bright blue tea and coffee set! It's by Staffordshire Potteries here in the uk and the design is called Homestead, don't you just love the amazing colour? It makes me feel happy just looking at it! They are in perfect condition (despite being covered in grease and dust when I found them!) and the best part was when I open the sugar jar there were loads of old packets of sugar inside! Collected from various places across the world I particularly like the purple Russian packet with the green truck on the front. I love discovering little treasures like this and to think that someone has spent time collecting them, so for the time being I'm going to keep them in their little sugar house...

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