Tuesday, 2 August 2011

beautiful books...Pattern by Orla Kiely

I LOVE Orla Kiely! I suppose alot  of people do but I remember falling in love with her patterns years ago back when she only made bags. I was young at the time and therefore too poor to afford such a coveted bag but I still loved the retro patterns and colours, and a few years later I still don't have a bag but I now have the book, which holds every bag I could ever wish to own and more! Plus it has the added bonus of not having to actually decide which bag to use on a day to day basis! Apart from the beautiful pictures and pages of pattern the book is also full of really interesting info about Kiely herself. From her early childhood and inspirations to becoming a designer but also useful information on colour and pattern and how she combines them. I only received this book as a birthday present on sunday and I have not put it down, if you don't own this book and are an avid pattern lover then I urge you to get over to Amazon and pick up a copy immediately! I not then still pop over to her website to have a browse around and I'm sure you'll be hooked in no time. x
(ps. not sure why there is some weird spacing between the pics, it looks fine in the draft version!)

1 comment:

  1. hi rebecca - uncross your fingers now, you have won the giveaway!
    email me here virginia@roddyandginger.co.uk with your details and colour choice Virginia x
    p.s I have this book too its wonderful


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