Wednesday, 31 August 2011

made-it market...purchases

bunting & needle book from Nicola Rose Cefai/Homemade crafts

cards from jo clark design
These were a few bits that we had bought at the made-it market on Saturday, there was so much more that I could have bought if I had the money! My mum bought the bunting for our dining room, she has wanted some for ages and I think this one by Nicola Rose has a lovely combination of colours and vintage fabrics. The cards designed by Jo Clark are totally up my design street! Love the colours and sketchy feel to the designs especially the little birds on a wire card (bottom left.) Jo has a lovely website with lots of other products including mugs, recycled glasses and prints of her work. I have picked a few favourites to share with you below, enjoy!x

All images from jo clark design

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

my first ever and brand new website!

This is a big day for me because I have just launched my WEBSITE!!! This is portfolio of all my recent work and designs so if you have enjoyed my design posts on here please pop over to the website to see more! I have also added a quick link to my website in the sidebar under my e-mail address so please do not hesitate to contact me about any of my work!

I also want to do a BIG thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting this little blog of mine, I still can't believe people out there all over the world are reading it! Every visitor and comment means the world to me so again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Rebecca xox

littletree visits...made-it market

All images by littletree
Happy Tuesday to everyone! I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend even if the weather was a bit hit and miss! I was in Cambridge on Saturday for the made-it market craft fair which was lovely, there were some amazing stalls showcasing the best of local homemade, handcrafted goodies, it was very tempting not to buy something from every stall! Everyone was so friendly and chatty and very kindly allowed me to take some pictures of their stalls and the event. I have brought home some information on a few of my favourite stalls from the day, but I have also copied the leaflet (below) with all of the stall holders listed, if you can't see this very well then click here for a link to the website with all the details. I have quite a bit to share with you about the market including a few purchases and information about some of the individual stalls that caught my eye, so there are going to be a few more 'made-it market' posts during the week, stay tuned...x

1/ made-it market christmas fair info 2/ Basil and Belle Couture 3/ Moll and Mostin 4/ flying-away 5/ jo clark design 6/ Nicola Rose Cefai 7/ Poppetto 8/ Sconch Textiles 9/ pennybee. 10/ (no card available but I just loved!) The Patchwork Peacock. I have linked to websites or blogs where possible!x

Friday, 26 August 2011

off to...'made-it market'

image from made-it market

Just a quick note to all who live near Cambridge (uk) Saturday the 27th August there is a fantastic craft fair happening at the Guildhall called (obviously) made-it market! It's all handmade, homemade goodies by local crafts people and designers. The market has only been running since Feb 2010 but it has grown considerably in size and now has over 70 stalls! This will be my first visit and I'm hopefully going to able to take some pictures and find some local gems to share with you for next week, if you wanted to visit or just to find out more then pop over to the made-it market website. Happy weekend to everyone!x

littletree loves...joules

It is officially autumnal here in the uk today! There are blackberries on the bushes, acorns on the trees and a permanent drizzle of rain in the air...yuk. Although it did mean I could dig out my fabulous Joules wellies! I bought these last year after my ancient old pair finally gave out, the big hint was the rather soggy foot I got after one snowy walk! These are looking a little more well used today while I walked the dog (feet nice and dry) I thought I would have a look over at Joules to see what funky wellies they had in for the new season. There were so many lovely pieces on the website I have arranged some of my favourites into two collections, one for wet muddy walks and the other for more a casual day out...hope you like them!x

Cute 'n' Casual 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7

Wet but well dressed! 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7

Thursday, 25 August 2011

littletree loves...spirograph!

images from samstoybox
Who remembers having a Spirograph kit as a kid? I absolutely loved mine and it was just like the one pictured above, I have no idea what happened to it, probably donated to a charity shop or sold at a car boot sale! Anyway I have been keeping an eye out for an old one for ages and yesterday I found one! Well...a very teeny tiny version but for 30p (yes 30p!) I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity! Plus I love the fact its super neon, as you can tell from the picture below, so I think you can guess what I'm going to be practicing today...

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Etsy...beautifully recycled maps

from hopeandjoystudios
from cottonbirddesigns
from cocoetmimi
from Elizabeth St
from uoldbag
After yesterdays post about the vintage map I had found at the weekend I thought I would share with you these really different and unusual finds from Etsy that are all map related! I am particularly in love with the little bird sculpture with the wire feet from cotton bird designs, he's just so cute! There are so many map related items out there at the moment with personalised jewelry, prints, cards and banners I just thought these few above really stood out as individual. Enjoy!x

Monday, 22 August 2011

littletree discovers...vintage maps

Happy Monday to everyone! It's been sunny and warm here in the uk for once and so I was out and about at the boot fairs this weekend which is where I picked up this gem of a vintage map for a whole £3! It is in great condition and is just so different to anything I have seen before, I also love the simple design and colour palette of just red, white and blue. Plus my neighbouring town of Chelmsford is known as the birthplace of radio as Marconi opened the worlds first radio factory there, so this map represents a little of my local history too! Well I hope the weather is lovely where you are today, have a good week!

Friday, 19 August 2011

littletree loves...patterned tapes

Happy Friday to everyone! Thought I would end the week with a few of my favourite patterned tapes from one of my favourite online stationary stores Papermash. Apart from the traditional Japanese and stripe designs there are also some lovely different patterns that I haven't seen anywhere else! Hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week. x

All images from Papermash.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

littletree discovers...stationary at Accessorize

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

I was out and about shopping yesterday when I walked past Accessorize, as always their window displays are so lovely it is impossible not to go in and take a browse! Apart from all the lovely bags, purses,scarves, shoes and jewelry that is always so fabulous (very tempted not to buy everything...had to restrain myself) I also noticed a lovely range of stationary! I have seen stationary in Accessorize before but this time there was such a lovely selection of different ranges and products! They are obviously aiming at the 'back to school' market like other big brands such as Paperchase and in the future I can definatly seeing them expanding more into the stationary market if their products are this good! Oh and another little Accessorize discovery was a cosmetics range in Superdrug, all adorned with beautifully designed packaging...ok the Accessorize love in is over now, but do please pop over to check out their website. x

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

littletree bakes...flapjacks



Well I said yesterday I was struggling for inspiration and the word flapjacks was mentioned so I thought I would share the finished results with you today! I can't say they solved my creative drought but they did the job and cheered me up no end, and there are still a fair few left to keep on cheering me throughout the week! The singing and dancing to the radio whilst making them may have helped too...

Monday, 15 August 2011

inspire me!

original image Vintage by Hemingway over at EastEndPrints

Hello to all, hope you had a nice weekend? Now I'm sure I'm not the only one who suffers from 'designers block' but today I am having one of those days where I just can't get inspired to do anything! I have stacks of little doodles piled up to start working on but everytime I start anything new it doesn't turn out the way I want it to, which just gets me more frustrated and then I don't want to do anything at all...grrr! I have even trawled thought Pinterest which is bursting with inspiration but today it just isn't reaching that part of my brain! I think it may have gone into mini hibernation, pulled the covers over it's head and decided to stay asleep until inspiration the mean time I may bake some flapjacks to cheer me up.

Friday, 12 August 2011

littletree discovers...Patrick Edgeley

Image from Boxbird

Happy Friday! One of the cards I received for my birthday the other week had this beautiful print on the front of these fabulous retro kitchenwares. Funnily enough it is actually called Retro Kitchen and is by designer Patrick Edgeley, the card also had a website on the back so I have skipped on over today to have a peek at some of his other designs. I have picked a few favourites to share with you for this friday and hope that the fun retro feel will keep you feeling bright (even if the weather doesn't...) have a nice weekend everyone! x

All above images from Antigraphic