Thursday, 28 July 2011

littletree visits...Helen Rollason Vintage Fayre

top two images from the Helen Rollason site
image from A2 Jive
cute little glass and metal jar
lovely old metal sign letters
from a local handmade stall, for my friend as a housewarming gift
my mum bought this amazing orange kaftan!

Well I did promise some pictures of the bits and pieces I had acquired over the weekend so here they are! On Sunday my mum and I went to a local Vintage fair in aid of the charity Helen Rollason, the fair boasted many vintage and homemade stalls so we picked up a few lovely things...(I was very good...hardly spent anything! Most unusual!)
I love the old metal letters which I have sitting on my window, I've wanted some for ages and these are just the right size and were only £5 for the two! The handmade stalls were also really good and the little teapot trinket I bought for a friend was just one of the many lovely things I wanted to buy! (I'm annoyed at myself as the lady on this particular stall was so nice and I never got anything with her business details on!)
Plus of course there was an old fashion tea shop with lots of pretty china...and cake...lots of cake! And just as we had ordered and sat down outside the sun came out! How often do we get that kind of luck in the uk?

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