Monday, 18 July 2011

helping a friend...

So last week and part of the weekend I have been helping one of my good friends move apartments, it is amazing how much stuff can accumulate in one small space! So there was lots of to-ing and fro-ing, a little heavy lifting and plenty of tea! By yesterday afternoon the new place was starting to take shape, my friend had decided to inject a little red into her living room colour palette and before moving had bought some lovely items from Next home. Whilst browsing the website this morning I found a few other gems, I particularly love the 'tea for two...' print and the quirky trio of vases.

My friend had bought a couple of the poppy print cushions, which are lovely and although you can't quite see in the photo they have an embroidered and beaded centre, plus the back is a lovely grey linen fabric for a bit of a contrast. Some other bits she had purchased (but I couldn't find on the web) were some lovely chunky red mugs in a plain and hand painted stripe, and a trio of vases (different to the ones I found.) So by the end of the day it was all coming together and looking very homey!

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