Monday, 11 April 2011

littletree visits...Vintage Vogue Fashion Fair

Had an extremley fun and potentially very expensive day out at the weekend at the Vintage Vogue fashion fair in Brentwood, Essex. I had missed the last fair as it fell on the day of my sisters birthday so I was determined to go to this one! My friends and I had such a lovely day and every single stall was bursting with interesting retro finds! Clothing, accessories, jewelery and homewares, plus a few local designer makers who's work was retro themed. Oh and how could I forget the Tea Room!!? Beautiful mis-matched vintage china, the biggest cakes you have ever seen plus sandwiches, scones and pastries galore! Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take any pictures inside the fair but check out their flikr page for a gallery of pictures from past events. Now of course I didn't come away empty handed, and although I was tempted by all the beautiful clothes my love of kitchenalia won and I walked away with a super cute patterned Pyrex dish and a pretty tea set by Gainsborough. The tea set is missing two cups (ebay here I come!) but I had to get them both as the lady on the stall was so nice she let me have both the dish and tea set for £15! I could have gone mad as there were so many lovely bits and pieces so I think I was very restrained! If your in Essex or even London then do pop along to the next fair which is Sun 2nd October, for more information visit the Vintage Vogue website.

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