Friday, 18 March 2011

Etsy...Blanca Gomez

A little while ago I had gone hunting for a small picture frame for a wedding pic of my friend and whilst in the framers noticed some really cute prints in the sale...this was one of them. Now at the time I had thought I recognised the cute little guy but just couldn't remember where! Then the other day I was browsing though my usual blog lists and came across this post on Rachel Cave's blog, the lovely designer of the mystery print was Blanca Gomez! Now I've just had a peek over at her Etsy shop and she is away on holiday at the moment so doesn't have anything for sale, but you can sign up to receive a notice when she is back. Take a look sometime!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for stopping by rebecca! yes it can be hard to find the gems on etsy, i find most things via other blogs or other people's favourites. when i do find a gem i am sure to blog it! my nieces have a few of these blanca gomez prints up in their bedroom, they are just as lovely in real life. x

    p.s. yes loving the weather, hoorah!


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