Friday, 28 June 2013

just a quick reminder...

As I'm sure most of you know Google Reader will be disappearing on Monday...boohoo! But Bloglovin' have come up with a simple way of importing all your Google Reader blogs onto their site so you don't have to miss a single thing from your favourite blogs! Just click HERE to sign up or if you are already then just click the follow me on Bloglovin' button down there on the right to continue following me. Thanks muchly! x


pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my NEW board Weddings...

Well it's been another grey June week here in the uk...I feel sorry for all those people who were planning a sunny summer wedding and it's been miserable! But as the picture above proves you can still add colour and fun to your wedding inside ...I just love all the pom poms and lanterns in such gorgeous shades of blue, green, pink and violet. If I get married this is exactly the kind of reception I would want, fun, relaxed, informal with everyone sat around large tables sharing food and drink. If you're off to a wedding this weekend I hope the sun comes out! Have a good one...x


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

littletree discovers...air bnb

snapshots of just a few of the amazing places to stay over on airbnb

Hello friends, I have a slightly different but exciting website find for you I normally don't post much about travel but after discovering the site Air BnB last week I just had to share it with you! The idea works quite simply like an ordinary bnb, you can rent a private (or shared) room or a whole apartment in the city/country of your choice.

The places to rent are from the private owners who have a little photo and profile, plus reviews from happy guests...prices are based on a per night basis like an ordinary bnb and vary wildly depending on where and what you rent. There are some truly amazing and unusual places on offer here, from Airstream Trailers and Treehouses to Private Islands and Boats...the list is endless! Check out Air BnB's top picks which are listed into categories like above.

My favourite categories to browse through have of course been the Vintage styled places like this amazing eclectic appartment in San Francisco below...

Above two images via airbnb

...and some of the RePurposed homes are just this super cute Schoolhouse conversion in Canada. I love that the chalkboards are still there!

Above two image via airbnb

I am definitely going to use this site for future holiday bookings...I'm thinking an apartment in Stockholm? Not sure my budget would stretch to one of the private islands though...hope you enjoy browsing around this site and apologies in advance if it distracts you from work! x


Friday, 21 June 2013

pinterest pick of the week...

pin from my board Products...

I am a little in love with this gorgeous modern version of a traditional pendulum clock, simple design with elegant long legs and it's really slim so would easily fit in a hallway (or anywhere!) without getting in the way. It also comes in white, orange and red too, yum... 

The Tiuku Pendulum clock is designed by Ari Kanerva and you can buy one of these beauties here at fab French shop La Corbeille for only 195euros which I think is pretty reasonable! Hope you all have a good weekend and I will see you all again soon x


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

littletree discovers...IKEA paper shop!

Yes you heard right...IKEA PAPER SHOP! I saw these pictures over on Decor8 yesterday and being the kindly blogger that I am I had to share them with you in case you missed it! This is something new IKEA are trying out so it isn't in all countries of course I immediately checked if it was at my local store and it is! 

Now regular readers will know I have a slight stationary addition so this news has made my week! I love pretty much everything here but my favourite item has to be the speechbubble shaped magnetic notepads. Great for sticking on the fridge for notes and lists...I may be making a visit to IKEA later this week so I promise to take pictures if I do! Ok I'll let you drool over pictures now...x

All images via the lovely Decor8


Monday, 17 June 2013

colour inspiration...

Hellooo Monday! I can't believe another week has gone and we are back to Monday again...where does the time go? I had a super busy week last week, lot's of work, a trip to London to see Ben Howard and Fathers Day yesterday too! 

This week is a little less manic so hopefully I will be around to blog a bit more...for today I have some bright and beautiful colour inspiration for you. I saw this image on pinterest but it is actually a vintage Dutch wall hanging that was for sale on ebay...I just loved the colour combinations! x


Monday, 10 June 2013

littletree loves...lasercutting

BALLOON wooden mobile by Freya Art

Hello beautiful blog people! I have lot's of overtime at work this week so I probably won't be blogging on Thursday I am off to see Ben Howard! Eeep! This is an early birthday present from my sister, isn't she nice?!

So while I have the time today I thought I would share with you a current obsession of mine...lasercutting. I have no idea how much a lasercutter would cost but I WANT one! Especially if it means I could make gorgeous products like the ones I have put together here...

Heart Trees Cake Topper by Cabin + Cub
Lasercut Card - Little Garden by Skinny LaMinx

Just how gorgeous are those cake topper trees? Great idea if you are after something a little different for your wedding cake...well I hope you all have a fab week and I will try and pop in post again soon! xx


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Pinterest in the UK!

Happy Saturday to all my lovely blog readers and anyone new who has stopped by from Pin it as the title of this post may suggest I am indeed chatting all about the wonders of Pinterest which has just been launched in the UK! Many of you may have heard of it and weren't sure what all the fuss is about so I'm here to tell you a little about it...

Pinterest is basically one giant scrapbook where you can collect gorgeous images and ideas from around the internet and 'pin' them all in one place, to boards that you can create for whatever topic you choose! Then you can browse them again when you are looking for that new interior inspiration, something different for dinner or a craft project for the kids on a rainy day!

Now for me as a Surface Pattern Designer my 'Pattern...' board (and Pinterest in general!) is my go-to for inspiration on a daily basis. I love that Pinterest is so visual, I can see all my pretty pattern inspirations in one go, like an ever evolving giant moodboard! And if I ever need to know the designers name or the source from the where the image came then hey presto! Just click on the picture and it takes me right back to where I pinned it from.

I will admit now that I am a Pinterest addict! I find it so useful, not only for work inspiration but I also love to pin new recipes, gift ideas, interiors, craft projects and soooo much more! If you want to follow me then just click HERE or if I have persuaded you to join the Pinterest community then you can start pinning right now and sign up HERE!

Oops! And I almost forgot to introduce the next blogger in the Pin it Forward campaign, the lovely Laura of the blog Tiny Twisst. Her Blog and Pinterest boards are packed with gorgeous fashion and design, I am extremely envious of her (must be huge!?) wardrobe! Happy pinning everyone! x


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

new blog banner...

copyright littletree designs

With all the decorating madness over the last few days I had forgotten all about a new blog banner for June! And seeing as the summer finally seems to have arrived I thought a colourful flowery design was in order...

Ooh and I also forgot to mention that this Saturday I will be blogging as part of Pinterest UK's launch! It was so exciting that they contacted me to help with this...I am a complete Pinterest addict and of course need more people to get hooked! So don't forget to pop by as I will also be introducing the next blogger on the Pin It Forward trail...x


Monday, 3 June 2013

bedroom update and a little inspiration...

Hello again blog as predicted last week I did end up being too busy to blog, sorry! But after 3 coats of paint my room is now a glorious white! I still have one wall to do which is behind the wardrobe and chest of drawers, I was not able to move them by myself, although I did attempt a few pathetic I need to decide what to hang where and just the general look of the room before I feel it is ready for photographing! 

I have all teal/blue/green coloured bed linen and cushions etc from the last house but I think I want to make it a little more eclectic and vintage...searching for inspiration I immediately thought of Jen (of the fab Little Birdie) as she has an eye for great interiors so I stopped on by her pinterest boards to get a few ideas...

via little birdie on pinterest source HERE
...Love the artwork and fabrics...

via little birdie on pinterest source HERE
 ...I want to make a quilt and new cushions for my bed...

via little birdie on pinterest source HERE
 ...mmm love these...

via little birdie on pinterest source HERE
...definitely going to group some pictures like this too...

I hope you have enjoyed this bit of Monday morning inspiration and if you want to see more of Jens' pins then just click on any of the links in this post! Have a good week everyone...x
