Saturday, 26 February 2011
february funk...
Been feeling the February blues this past few weeks, I've had plenty of stuff to be getting on with but just haven't been able to muster up the enthusiasm to just get on with it! All I've wanted to do is pull the covers back over my head and sleep until the grey and drizzle has disappeared, could take a while in England... So I'm off to make a cup of tea in the hopes that it may perk up my spirits, tea cures everything don't you know?
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
I had a flurry of inspiration the other evening after discovering this print on the keep calm gallery site. I'm a total typography freak, I love anything that has different or quirky lettering on it and Douglas Wilson's print inspired me to try making patterns just solely using an ampersand. I am amazed just how different the results are from font to font! Some work better than others of course...what do you think?
Friday, 11 February 2011
littletree makes...a bow brooch
This little brooch started out life as two hair grips from H&M. I'd been wanting to get a fabric brooch or corsage to wear on the many blazer jackets I own and so I decided to give up the hunt and make my own! The hardest part was deciding which ribbon and button combination I was going to use, I think the preppy navy and red with the denim worked a treat!
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Birthday Cards
Web Wonders - Adore Home Magazine
I couldn't believe this wonderful site! Adore Home is a new Australian magazine that's completely online. I found it as a recommendation through blog site skinny laminx, who's own blog/website is also a little treasure in itself! I am so glad that such a thing exists, a totally online magazine, not a preview or few select pages, a whole magazine some 120 odd pages long! It's super simple to use, there are some amazing ideas and recipes, plus it's the London edition showcasing some great British design talent.